My Osirixplugin - Manual Segmentation


Simple OsiriX/Horos plugin to manually draw myocardium contours and calculate cavity volumes, stroke volumes and ejection fraction.

Writing a shared lib that can be linked under windows (dll) or macos (dylib)

I have created a repository with an example approach here

My Osirixplugin - getDicomClut


Simple Horos/Osirix plugin to add colormap (CLUT Color Look Up Table) from the currently displayed dicom. The CLUT from the last time you run the plugin is stored and kept in the CLUT menu in Horos/Osirix.

How to develop a Horos/Osirix Plugin - new tutorial


Do you want to write an Horos/Osirix plugin? Basic tutorials you have found so far in the internet are confusing? Try this one!

How to configure CMake, googleTest, XCode and an external library to work together


In this post I give a list of useful tips to make CMake, googleTest, XCode and an external library work together.